Perhaps it's just me being harsh...
You certainly have a ways to go- the song was too bland for my tastes, though I liked the different effects you put into it. The song is in severe lack of a distinguishable melody voice.
Perhaps it's just me being harsh...
You certainly have a ways to go- the song was too bland for my tastes, though I liked the different effects you put into it. The song is in severe lack of a distinguishable melody voice.
you have some awesome Ocarina skills o-o
Although this is a wonderful demonstration, it lacks enough voices and parts in my opinion to be in the video game category- I'd list this in misc or ambient... Otherwise, neat job on this.
Haha I wouldn't say awesome but thanks man! I've never really thought about putting it in another category since it's video game related but what you said certainly makes sense, cheers for pointing that out! Thanks for the review :)
That was pretty awesome. Though you really didn't change the main melody, you kept it changing and interesting. The bass-line was amazing and I loved your choice of sounds. My only complaint is that I wish you added some reverb to the drums, they sounded a little out of place.
Thx man :D I feel like the melody should have been changed much more but i didnt find the right way to do it :P I agree that reverbing the drums could have been better and it feels stupid that I didnt think of that when i made it >.<
Great job on this piece :D I just wish it weren't a midi, - if it had full dynamics, I'd give you a 10/10. Anyway this doesn't really feel like Classical, it's really more of a modern/contemporary piece. I think Newgrounds closest equivalent to that would be ambient, but I may be overlooking something.
Just thinking, your piece sounds a lot like Eric Satie and his Gymnopedies, are you familiar with him? If not I'd pull him up and take a look.
I'm familiar with him, my friend commissioned me to write this piece in the style of Erik Satie
WOW. Somebody actually got the classical genre correct for once. I love this, but I wish it wasn't a midi and that you played it. Anywhere I can get sheet music? This looks like it'd be fun to play :D
message me your email address (also, feel free to put pedal in where necessary, as my program's pedal marking is weird) I will definitely send it to you :D
PS. I am not a skilled pianist, this would probably take me days to learn
A little slow for my taste, but you had some nice themes and effects in there :D
I can't help but think your missing something that I can't really put my finger on...
I also wished you had a more defined climax, the one here was just "blah". Overall a decent piece :D
lol thanks
Welcome to the audio portal :D
Alright loop you've got here, though so much room for improvement.
I tend to stay away from FL slayer, I dislike the sound usually, but it really depends. Unrelated, but how long have you been using FL studio? Just as a point of personal comparison.
I've actually started using it recently, maybe only a few weeks, I don't know very much about it, let alone how to use it to its full extent. I've been working at it though.
Such great video game music- Unfortunately, I found some of the lead voices less than par and annoying at time.
Wonderful collection you've made overall.
I know. But things like that are somewhat out of my control. I use a free program, so there are only about 20 synths to choose from, (most of which don't even sound that good) but the main problem is that I can only have 16 tracks at a time.
I am 15 and use FLstudio, Source SDK, Blender 2.5, UDK, and Autocad. Only FL studio mattered, the rest is just showing off. ADD ME ON MY NON EXISTENT FACEBOOK AT 'treal
Joined on 5/29/11