Congrats on making top 5 :D
As always, your stuff is great. In some parts the reverb was a little too much, but eitherwise this is just fantastic.
Congrats on making top 5 :D
As always, your stuff is great. In some parts the reverb was a little too much, but eitherwise this is just fantastic.
I really don't know how this got into the top 5, awkward. I'll have to fix up the reverb, thanks for the review dude!
awesome *o*
Amazing. Great sounds and you were very original on this. I could listen to it forever. No critiques.
Wow thank you, I did enjoy this one to be fair ;P
I usually don't care for homestuck... but your reading was amazing xD
Give me your voice.
Loved the tune and the voices. Loved the swing, and though you hadn't changed your progression, you kept the effects rolling out to make this fresh. Nicely done :D
Anyway, what version of FL studio do you have, I was wondering if you'd be interested in a collab song.
Thanks so much :D
I use FL 10, but I also have FL 9 just in case :D
I would love to do a collab! Message me about it :D
This is so perfect for so many things o-o
Thank you.
So much, this is amazing.
thanks a lot!
it makes me really happy, that this piece is so well received.
thanks for your feedback!
First of all, this isn't jazz. Secondly, I have absolutely NO idea what you were trying to do, and question if it was a serious entry.
Who knows though, maybe you've created a new genre of music that is solely composed of the default FLS hihat noise being repeated in a discordant manner. Good luck to you.
Sucking at something is merely a process of becoming good at something. ^^
This isn't heavy metal...
It's techno or ambient. Though this was original, it didn't do anything for me. The voice sample at the end was terribly recorded or effected as well. Still... interesting, just not great to me. Keep working at it though, you have a cool concept, but you need to turn that great concept into great music!
Only due time will tell my delightful adventurer!
The clitoris of life shines down upon you, farewell!
dunno why
seemed a little off to me, beat wise. Maybe you used a MIDI without quantizing, or that's just how it sounds? Anyway. Neat beats and chords. Cool stuff :D
Actually, I had a automation clip to the sound to make it change the sound in the beginning. I'm wondering if I over did it a little :P
Thanks for the review :D :D
Though I wish you changed the theme more often, this was amazing. It was awesome at 3:30 when it all came together. Great lead :D
Makes me wanna dance...
Yes, I agree, but I wanted to keep it "real" as well if you know what I mean.
Thank you very much for your quick feedback! It makes me glad that you liked it!
I am 15 and use FLstudio, Source SDK, Blender 2.5, UDK, and Autocad. Only FL studio mattered, the rest is just showing off. ADD ME ON MY NON EXISTENT FACEBOOK AT 'treal
Joined on 5/29/11